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Suggested Language for Testamentary Gift to Punahou School

The language in your will or revocable living trust providing for a gift to Punahou School should reflect your own unique circumstances and charitable objectives. We hope these samples will be helpful to you and your attorney.

Unrestricted Gift:
“I give to Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii, [the sum of $_____] or [____percentage (or all) of the residue of my estate] to provide unrestricted (endowed/non-endowed) support for the school.”

Gift for a Specific Purpose:
“I give to Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii, [the sum of $_____] or [____percentage (or all) of the residue of my estate] to provide support for ________________ (e.g., financial aid, faculty support, ________ program, etc.) at Punahou School.”

Endowed Support for a Specific Purpose:
“I give to Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii, [the sum of $_____] or [____percentage (or all) of the residue of my estate] to provide endowed support to be used in perpetuity in a manner consistent with my written instruction or gift agreement on file with Punahou School.”

Gift from Investment Accounts, Retirement Accounts, or Life Insurance Policies

If you wish to direct a retirement plan asset, brokerage accounts, or life insurance policies to Punahou, simply list Punahou School (Tax ID number 99-0073523) on your beneficiary designation form, which can be easily requested from your plan administrator or life insurance agent. A specific purpose at Punahou can be designated on the form or through a letter kept on file at Punahou’s Office of Gift Planning.

Download PDF of Bequest Language